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The acting scene in Aarhus is diverse, with many groups and venues engaged in a broad span of genres, from and to and. Retrieved 10 June 2018. The adjacent site of Frederiks Plads at the former repair facilities have been under construction since 2014 as a new business and residential quarter. PDF from the original on 17 January 2016.
The geography in the area affects the local climate of the city with the Aarhus Bay imposing a temperate effect on the low-lying valley floor where central Aarhus is located. Accelerating growth since the early 2000s, brought the inner urban area to roughly 260,000 inhabitants by 2014. Dansens og musikkens rødder. Retrieved 20 December 2014.
Rhus Tox by Energique, Inc. - The theoretical health benefits from Rhus coriaria are as an antioxidant, antifungal agent and antimicrobial agent.
I have a few here at Old School Garden and it is a great tree for adding an oriental feel, has interesting foliage especially in the autumn and some unusual flowers. Historical notes: Introduced to the U. Award of Garden Merit in 2002. Some beekeepers use dried sumac bobs as a source of fuel for their smokers. The fruit of sumacs can be collected, soaked and washed in cold water, strained, sweetened and made into a pink lemonade. The leaves and berries have been mixed with tobacco and other herbs and smoked by Native American tribes. The plant is also rich in tannins and can be added to other dye baths to improve light fastness. Leaves and fruiting head of Rhus typhina Features: Rhus typhina is a deciduous shrub or small tree growing to 5 m 16 ft tall by 6 m 20 ft broad. It has alternate, pinnately compound leaves 25—55 cm 10—22 in long, each with 9—31 serrate leaflets 6—11 cm long. The leaf petioles and the stems are densely covered in rust-colored hairs. The Sumach is dioecious male and female flowers produced on separate plants , with yellow-green flower clusters, followed on female plants by dense crimson fruiting heads. The effect is greater when set against the dense cones of red fruit borne by female plants. Growing conditions: It can grow under a wide array of conditions, but is most often found in dry and poor soil on which other plants cannot survive. Some species can be pruned hard to the ground every other year in early spring to produce handsome foliage plants. The inner sections of the trees are woody and pithy. It is advisable to wear gloves because the sap is potentially harmful.
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Retrieved 6 January 2016. Retrieved 20 December 2014. It is a centre for research and education in the and home to's largest university, including and. Aarhus Jazz Festival Association. Retrieved 15 October 2015. The effect is greater when set against the prime cones of red fruit borne by female plants.

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